Place Marker: CraftACT, 2021
Burnt Eucalypts. Woven eucalyptus-dyed wool and silk, stitched woollen felt. Dimensions variable
The research for Sally Blake’s solo exhibition, Place Markers began in 2018/19 by collecting leaves and barks from the ACT eucalypts at the Australian National Botanical Gardens. The plant materials have been processed to create dyes to colour threads and cloth to make baskets and works on paper. Drawings of animals, birds and insects in the ACT eucalypt forests highlight the flourishing of life these forests protect.
After the dye research was completed 80% of Namadgi National Parks eucalypt forests were burned in the 2019/20 fire season. The fires throughout Australia were so devastating that they have marked a place in history where climate change undeniably declared itself. Blake works with burns, ash, drought-affected burnt leaves and weaving techniques to create works about this huge loss and destruction. After the fires life has begun to regenerate in the forests and Blake’s works in copper wire celebrate this renewal
Dye Diary (ACT eucalypts). Eucalyptus-dyed wool, silk and linen.
All that Remains. Burns, ash, pinpricks and eucalyptus-dyed wool stitched to paper. 110 x 70 cm
Requiem for the Forests. Burnet and drought affected leaves, burns, pinpricks, ash and eucalyptus-dyed wool stitched to paper, 130 x 130 cm
Eucalyptus Mantle (ACT). Eucalyptus-dyed wool, silk and linen attached to paper, 110 x 70 cm
Holding Hope (cinerea and polyanthemos). Woven copper wire and eucalyptus-dyed wool, silk, cotton and linen
Regeneration. Copper wire. 85 x 50 x 50 cm
Burnt Spikes. Stitched silk and wool, dimensions variable

Eucalyptus Indicator (aggregata)

Eucalyptus Indicator (blakelyi)

Eucalyptus indicator (bridgesiana)

Eucalyptus indicator (camaldulensis)

Eucalyptus Indicator (camphora)

Eucalyptus Indicator (cinerea subsp. triplex)

Eucalyptus Indicator (dalrympleana)

Eucalyptus Indicator (dives)

Eucalyptus Indicator (fastigata)

Eucalyptus Indicator (goniocalyx)

Eucalyptus Indicator (macrorhyncha)

Eucalyptus Indicator (mannifera)

Eucalyptus Indicator (melliodora)

Eucalyptus Indicator (nortonii)

Eucalyptus indicator (pauciflora subsp. pauciflora)

Eucalyptus Indicator (perriniana)

Eucalyptus Indicator (polyanthemos)

Eucalyptus Indicator (rossii)

Eucalyptus indicator (sieberi)

Eucalyptus Indicator (stellulata)

Eucalyptus Indicator (viminalis)
Eastern Spinebill. Ink, pen and pinpricks on paper
Grey-headed flying fox. Ink, pen and pinpricks on paper, 30 x 30 cm
Silver-eye. Ink, pen and pinpricks on paper, 30x 21 cm
Powerful owl. Ink, pen and pinpricks on paper
Wedgetail Eagle. Ink, pen and pinpricks on paper
Scarlet Robin. Ink, pen and pinpricks on paper. 18 x 18 cm
Kookaburra. Ink, pen and pinpricks on paper, 40 x 40 cm
Gang-gang. Ink, pen and pinpricks on paper.